End times prophetic insights, future impending dangers to the US, surviving to the last breath, do well live forever, will there be a new earth, world as we will know it then, conquering lack of faith and fear facing perilous horrendous things yet to be s
Hardryve the Paladin's Articles In Welcome
July 5, 2004 by Hardryve the Paladin
Many of the simple folks are wondering how, what, and where the destiny of the earth is heading. I am one of the simple folks and will endeavor to provide material to the rest of us who may need more than the usual the media gives out. This is an open sourse editorial for everyone to participate in, an exchage of ideas and realizations facing the disasterous times we will all be facing together, all views and thought provoking comments will be welcomed, profanity and flaming is only permi...