End times prophetic insights, future impending dangers to the US, surviving to the last breath, do well live forever, will there be a new earth, world as we will know it then, conquering lack of faith and fear facing perilous horrendous things yet to be s
Hardryve the Paladin's Articles
July 18, 2004 by Hardryve the Paladin
A subject of intense importance for all mankind. We live most of us a good 50 to 70 years on the earth until one day we cease to continue on as we are accustomed in this human body. As the years go by the thought cross's into our most deepest desire, is there really a heaven in which to live eternally. And at the same time is there a hell that can be spent eternally at as well. With the world headed in a direction that is very frightning, we are most likely to ponder these thoughts o...
July 5, 2004 by Hardryve the Paladin
Viewing a news program a few nights ago a poll was taken of the reactions of the people of Iraq towards Sadamn's arrival back to face charges. The results were just about 50, 50. Now we can't know for sure because it is the news, the media, and independant poll, so naturally we have to either take their word for it just be skeptical or through our own minds make the best deliberations we can based on the accuired bits and pieces we are able to figure out. The view I have from news, radio, ...
July 5, 2004 by Hardryve the Paladin
I spend alot of time over on Lockergnome forums the potpourri forum, under the politics&religion topic. For along time there were no forums set up for airing ones views about the issues of politics or religion, but that has changed over there, now under the Potpourri Forum are specfically a political & religous forum. It isn't so much to go on and on about the candidates, but to converse about some of the rulings that take place that change our rights living here. Then this is the subjec...
July 5, 2004 by Hardryve the Paladin
Many of the simple folks are wondering how, what, and where the destiny of the earth is heading. I am one of the simple folks and will endeavor to provide material to the rest of us who may need more than the usual the media gives out. This is an open sourse editorial for everyone to participate in, an exchage of ideas and realizations facing the disasterous times we will all be facing together, all views and thought provoking comments will be welcomed, profanity and flaming is only permi...