Friend or Foe, what to do, how to react, what is the solution, will the terrorists continue over here?
Viewing a news program a few nights ago a poll was taken of the reactions of the people of Iraq towards Sadamn's arrival back to face charges. The results were just about 50, 50. Now we can't know for sure because it is the news, the media, and independant poll, so naturally we have to either take their word for it just be skeptical or through our own minds make the best deliberations we can based on the accuired bits and pieces we are able to figure out.
The view I have from news, radio, and the fine print and the occasional family debates is that there are much more Iraq's that actually feel either embarrassed or sorry for Sadamn. That's not good. Leaving us to think that while we are gaining in one area in all truth we are still being mislead by not only the media in some ways but trying to get a real perception of whats really going on in the hearts and minds of these people. Now more than ever we are finding that alot of these insurgents are arab, and not actually from Iraq, even though we all know all the Muslim world is helping to harbor and replenish them in equipment and weapons.
The US is in a vicious state of being at the moment, with Israel's ongoing war with the palastinian's, and on every side there are either arab or muslim extemists just waiting for the inevitable word from the terrorists. The entire region is under pressure. We have so many talking and giving speeches as to how we should handle the situation, guess I am one of them to, but from a different light as this site's title suggest's Joeuser, the average joe that has to live and go to work each day the ones that are so removed from the center stage.
The coming months ahead will really be a shocker to alot of folks here in the US. I believe it is only a matter of time when we will be struck again but much worst. We have enjoyed safety for so long, and it is sorry to say coming to us in full fury within the next few years. Many now are so reluctant to trust the average muslim for fear out of being ostrisized or becoming another hostage. Families are not willing to take that chance. Of course there will be those who will take chances and perhaps we will read about it the papers, perhaps not.
But the problem is growing everyday right here were we live and play. The solutions of the government are just that their solutions, the average joe doesn't have the things afforded to him or her like the government has, fortified bunkers, jets and man power to protect them, yes they overall will protect us the best way they can but just like a policeman walkiing his beat he can only cover so many the rest will be left to their own devices. So there is alot to think about and to prepare. The solution isn't clear at all. We are greatly divided about the solution. While we have so many out there who do not stand together as one nation, they are dividing and causing doubts. Discrediting the men we have no choice in but to go along whether right or wrong. Our little world really only consists of maybe a 25mile radius. The towns we live in, the schools our children go to, the grocery stores we shop in. That mainly consists of our world in reality each and everyday.
Don't be alarmed at the next thing that I;m about to say, many already know this anyway, but by the thousands the terrorists are already planted firmly in strategic locations around the US. Using their Mosques as estabishments for higher learning in the Muslim ways. As a nation we can't take the chance of believing that it doen't go on in those places, there is overbearing proof of it to be found. The enemy is very patient in contrast as we are very impatient people, instant everything. I have heard on many a talk radio that guest speakers have predicted somewhere around 2006 we will start seeing this activity pick up rather fast. By 2010 many are in agreement that the US will not be standing. Biblical accounts have pointed to some of these forecasts. America eventually will be destroyed and the main arena of the end will take place in Israel in the mid-east.
Next post I will introduce some principals out of the Bibilical perception and generalize how the end time church will be participating. Looking from over here at the extreme right-hand side at the JoeUser Articles, apparently there are many who offer posts in this vein. See more and more folks are believing we are in trouble as a world community, not just our own country's value's. Let me take my leave now. Headed out on the hunt for more food for thought till then this is Hardryve the Paladin