Predictions for the coming months here in the USA
I spend alot of time over on Lockergnome forums the potpourri forum, under the politics&religion topic. For along time there were no forums set up for airing ones views about the issues of politics or religion, but that has changed over there, now under the Potpourri Forum are specfically a political & religous forum. It isn't so much to go on and on about the candidates, but to converse about some of the rulings that take place that change our rights living here. Then this is the subject of relgion, and again it shoudn't be what are the Catholics doing differently that the Pentecostals or Baptists, but what isn't being done and exposing the fraudelent that so many just have no real understanding of the differences of God and religion. Here hopefully I wil try to invoke and stimulate conversations as well debates on all these issues. I have left this as open forum type so that all are welcome to participate and share their hopes and fears of the coming days and years ahead. These will be perilous times to, and many really don't seem to think so in my opinion. So a few more posts to set the tone of things and then just jump in and add your comments or subject matter. Alright then lets get started shall we......Hardryve the Paladin